ハイ・フリークエンシー・トレーディングは、「HFT」とも呼ばれ、ミリ(1000分の1)秒単位で売買注文を出す、超高速・高頻度取引のことをいう翻訳 - ハイ・フリークエンシー・トレーディングは、「HFT」とも呼ばれ、ミリ(1000分の1)秒単位で売買注文を出す、超高速・高頻度取引のことをいう英語言う方法




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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
High-frequency trading refers also called "hft", put the buy and sell orders in seconds (1 of 1000) mm, the ultra-high-speed, high-frequency trading. This executes the buying and selling of ultra-high-speed and thousands of times (1 second to make full use of computer of high-speed processing, based on your own programs while assessing instantly market trends, buying and selling in milliseconds to capture the distortion of the price to) in algorithmic trading, stock, the transaction is subject, foreign exchange,I have wide-ranging and various futures and options.

Features, such as hedge funds overseas are good at, repeat buying and selling frequently on the basis of vast data, such as statistical information and past buying and selling the latest information, it is is going to pile up a small capital gains and (gain) It has become. Currently, while it accounts for a large proportion, such as futures and stocks, to increase (the thickness of the transaction) liquidity in the market, there is also risk that lead to sudden changes in the (price) market in unexpected behavior, the trading value, 2010 5 in the 6th month,"(Plunge of instantaneous) flash crash" the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell nearly $ 1,000 in a few minutes is going on.

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
High frequency trading, is called the "HFT" milliseconds (1 / 1000) out buy and sell orders in the means of high speed and high frequency trading. Utilizing the high speed computer this is algorithmic trading based on its own program to instantly identify market trends, price distortions, in milliseconds (to run the sale of super fast, thousands of times per second) to sell the trading target's stock, Forex,Spans a variety of futures and options, etc.

Including overseas hedge funds are good, frequently buying and selling based on large amounts of data, such as the latest trade information and statistics in the past, accumulate capital gains slight ( margin ) is characterized. Also, sudden change, unexpected, while enhancing market liquidity (the thickness of the trade), trading value occupies a large percentage shares and futures market (price) risk in the 5/6/2010Just fell, the Dow is close to $ 1000 for a few minutes 'Flash crash http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/Melbourne-home-property-prices-plunge/story-e6frf7jo-1226039922655 to instantly )"is going on.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I say ultraspeed / high frequency business high フリークエンシー・トレーディング is called [HFT], and to start a buying and selling order by millimeters (a one-1000th) second unit. By algorithm business I make full use of a computer of the high-speed processing and am based on an original program while ascertaining a market trend instantly, and this arrests the skewness of the price, and to buy and sell it by millimeters second unit (I carry out super-high-speed buying and selling such as several thousand times between one second), the business object is stocks, foreign exchange,I go over to many divergences including various futures / options.

Overseas hedge fund is good and repeats buying and selling based on enormous data such as the latest buying and selling information or past statistical information frequently, and what pile up a little buying and selling gain (margin) characterizes it. The trading value holds a big ratio in stocks or the futures, and continue raising market liquidity (thickness of the business), and there is the risk to invite the immediate change of the unexpected market (a price) to now; on May 6, 2010,[flash bulb crash (instant sudden drop)] that Dow-Jones average fell nearly 1,000 dollars during only several minutes happens.

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