Gervie Acain、作業ありがとうございます。私がWEBショップから購入いたします。

Gervie Acain、作業ありがとうございます。私がWEBショップ

Gervie Acain、作業ありがとうございます。

"Gervie Acain"へ発送します。

"Gervie Acain"のほうで、商品を管理して頂けますか?

■"Gervie Acain"が必要な事


ODeskの「Give Bonus」から迅速に与える事は可能でしょうか?

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
gervie acain, Thank you for work.

I will purchase from the web shop.
I will ship to "gervie acain".

With more of "gervie acain", can you manage the item?
Because I sell as a window in Japan, I want you to ships to the specified location.

1 thing that need to be "gervie acain". You receive the goods, management
2 of the product.

2 shipping to the address you specify. For, you must do the following:.
· Packing your goods to print
-envelope of order
And dispatch procedure

2. I think about the cost occurs.
I want to give as deposit to you here, but
Can I transfer in any way?
Is it possible to give a quick odesk from "give bonus?"

I think after, it tries to register the address of
gervie's address as the shipping origin, but Would that be possible?
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Thank you Gervie Acain, work.

I will buy from the WEB shop.
"Gervie Acain" ship.

"Gervie Acain" better, or you can manage the product?
Thank to the location I will sell as a representative in Japan, so shipping is.

■ needed "Gervie Acain"
1. Receives the goods, merchandise management
2. Sent to the address you specify

2. For the less work is required.
-Order form print
, envelopes for packaging products
Shipping process

2. About the think costs incurred.
Click here to give as a deposit to you.
or you can transfer money by any means?
Give quickly from ODesk 'Give Bonus"would it be possible?

Then, as your ship from address
is trying to register the Gervie's address, would you?
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Thank you for GervieAcain, work.

I purchase it from a WEB shop.
"I send it out to GervieAcain".

"Because I manage the article in GervieAcain", and
I sell it as a window in Japan, I want you to send it out to the place that you appointed.

It is necessary work equal to or less than to the address that appointed 1.
article doing a thing needing ■ "GervieAcain" receipt, management
2. of the article about 2. shipment

It is packed an article to print
/ the envelope of the ・ order form
I think that expense about 2. ・ shipment procedure

I want to give you this for advance money, but I think to register an address of
Gervie as a

trace, an address of the origins of shipment whether [GiveBonus] of
ODesk may give me it quickly what kind of means you can remit
by, but I wonder if I am available
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