いつもお世話になっております。2016年はアメリカ合衆国の大統領選挙戦で共和党の大統領候補者選びなどをテレビ拝見して大統領選挙が近づいている翻訳 - いつもお世話になっております。2016年はアメリカ合衆国の大統領選挙戦で共和党の大統領候補者選びなどをテレビ拝見して大統領選挙が近づいている英語言う方法


結果を調べた時に参考資料として作成したアメリカ合衆国議会 上院議員名簿を作成しましたので2016年の大統領選挙に参考資料としてお役立て下さい。
ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Always take care....In 2016 United States presidential campaign, Republican presidential candidate choiceWe feel the TV and look at the presidential election is approaching.I think Democrats are also in the preparatory stage towards the presidential elections.The Democratic Party of Japan presidential election we look forward for best results.The files attached to the email in United States elections in 2014Created the American United States Congress Senate directory created as a reference when you examine the results of the 2016 presidential election to accommodate as a reference.Thank you in advance.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Always I am indebted.
2016 and presidential candidate selection of Republican presidential campaign of the United States
with TV I see we have realized that the approaching presidential election.
Democrats also think that it has entered the preparatory stage towards the presidential election.
The Democratic Party of the presidential election we expect the best results.
Also, files that are attached to an e-mail sent in the United States mid-term elections in 2014
should help us as a reference to the presidential election of 2016 that it has created a United States Senate roster that was created as a reference when you examine the results .
Thanking you in advance.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Thank you for your continuous support.To perform in the presidential election of the United States Republican presidential candidate, includingThe presidential election is approaching the TV and I see you.I think that the Democratic Party in the preparation stage, in the presidential election.The Democratic Party's presidential election results are expected.The mail file attached to the mid-term elections in the United StatesWhen the results were made as a reference to the United States Senate Senate roster with the presidential election as a reference, please make use of the product.Please help me.
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