MPC小宮社長 江口相談役 皆様日頃から大変お世話になっております。週間工事レポートNO96を添付致しました。お手数をお掛けしますが、ご確認翻訳 - MPC小宮社長 江口相談役 皆様日頃から大変お世話になっております。週間工事レポートNO96を添付致しました。お手数をお掛けしますが、ご確認英語言う方法

MPC小宮社長 江口相談役 皆様日頃から大変お世話になっております。週

小宮社長 江口相談役 皆様


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
MPCKomiya President Eguchi Advisor, ourEveryday we are already very.Weekly construction report NO96 attached.Inconvenience to trouble you, but please check.1 the falling wall of the building next to the canteen (polycarbonate) watching the rain While you decide. <<< Beauty on it, try to use in its current state. And available canteen central door, entering and leaving.Review the test value from waste water from washing, 2 has a production plant and to consider On 3, 2-D buildings combined with area environmental remedial work Arranged environment of the clean room cleaning room Installing <<< clean room and washing room between the differential pressure gauge. Get paid by MPC is a differential pressure gauge Was ask again check to MPC-1, Alfie. 4, after the Chamber around the construction Chamber and air conditioning MPC-1 canteen the relocation plans. I hope you consider <<< removal can be time.Design a 5, 2 d 2 F (clean room) a separate broadcast facilities. Ensure only clean-room station. 7/17 (Sunday) installation has been completed. Our schedule of instructions by MPC <<< Submit a quote additional speakers and microphones for broadcastSwinging 6, each restroom entrance, locker room entrance, to the durability of the hinge So slightly it seems there is a problem, try the cylinder type (hinge). During the week members are so come into the locker room of the canteen building Install and try the test. I replaced the <<< hinge so please check.7, MPC-1 roof repair work, to prepare the waterproof construction sample. To deliver construction sample 10/27. <<< Construction purchase order receipt to 11/118, MPC-2 300 ton press construction <<< 11/10 sat between the concrete pour completed9, MP-1 private fire-fighting equipment construction Temporary enclosure for construction to start, and then remove the <<< tree
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Komiya president Eguchi adviser everyone

everyday it becomes very indebted from.
The weekly work report NO96 we attached.
And sorry to trouble you, but, please confirm.

1, Canteen building next to the edge wall (polycarbonate) is, the state of the rainy weather
to determine while watching.
<<< Try to use remains also there status quo that aesthetic.
And out using the Canteen center door.

2, waste water from the laundry, the factory will consider reviewing the test value from to the production

environment corrective work on 3,2D building assembly area
cleaning chamber is adjust to the clean room and the environment equivalent to
the cleaning chamber and clean room <<< mounted between differential pressure gauge. Differential pressure gauge is get paid than MPC like
MPC-1, we asked you to confirm again to Alfie like.

4, relocation plans and air conditioning in the cleaning chamber to the MPC-1 Canteen after the completion of the cleaning chamber around construction work.
<<< Please consider the time that can be removable.

5,2D Building 2F (in a clean room) designed to be independent broadcast facility a.
Only to scheduled broadcast clean room is to be able to.
July 17 (Sunday) installation is complete.
<<< Get a schedule of instruction than the MPC like
submit a quote of broadcasting for the microphone and additional speakers

6, each toilet entrance, locker room entrance of the swing doors, the durability of the hinge
because it seems a little problem there, we are attempting cylinder type (hinge).
Since it came members during this week, in the locker room of the Canteen building
and then try to test mounting.
Since the exchange did <<< hinge asks you for confirmation.

7, to prepare a waterproof construction sample along with the MPC-1 roof repair work.
October 27, to deliver the construction sample.
<<< November 11 construction purchase order received in days

8, MPC-2 300 ton press construction
<<< November 10 Doma concreting completed

9, MPC-1 private fire fighting equipment work
<<< to removing the trees construction start the use temporary enclosure
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
MPCKomiya Eguchi all executive presidentFrom the daily life is very helpful.The attached report NO last week.To make trouble, please confirm.One of the side walls (canteen building Polycarbosilane), state weatherJudging.On the aesthetic 97 in use at present.To use the central door canteen.Second, from washing wastewater from the plant operation and overhaul test valueThe environmental improvement works for the D assembled building areaIn the environment of a clean room and washing roomThe difference between the pressure of the cleaning chamber and the clean room 97. We accept payment by MPC differential pressure gaugeMPC, Alfie was like again, please confirm it.The MPC 1 Kan of the cleaning room air conditioner teens planned relocation after construction completed around the cleaning chamber.I wish to remove 97.The two D building F (clean room) to design an independent broadcasting equipment.Only in the clean room can be broadcast.On July 17, installation is completed.I have to be handled by MPC 97To add an estimate for broadcasting microphone and speakerThe entrance of the toilet, locker room entrance, the durability of the swinging door hingeSome problems, such as the cylinder type (hinge) is to try.So there is a member in this canteen building in the locker roomHow to test.Replacing hinge 97 to check, please.Waterproof construction, to prepare a sample with a MPC roof repair work.On October 27, construction of the sample.On November 11, 97 construction order acceptanceMPC 2, 300 tons press workNovember 10, 97 complete concrete floorThe MPC 1 private fire extinguishing facilities constructionTo start the construction of temporary enclosure for removal of 97 tree
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