6月25日(木) 2時(クライアント)お昼の時間は、お食事を戴いておりましたので、感じとれませんでしたが、10時半頃は(クライアント)床につ翻訳 - 6月25日(木) 2時(クライアント)お昼の時間は、お食事を戴いておりましたので、感じとれませんでしたが、10時半頃は(クライアント)床につ英語言う方法

6月25日(木) 2時(クライアント)お昼の時間は、お食事を戴いており


(クライアント)・ ・・さきぼとのメールの通りで、言葉が抜けていましたが・・・
バナナ二本弱 昨夜もあったのですが






今日のエネルギーも ものすごかったです
足裏からピリピリ ぞわぞわ エネルギーが 上へと あがり 両手からは じんじん ぞわぞわと エネルギーが 波のように 体に そして 足首あたりと 両手首あたりまでが ぽかぽか と とても 心地良い 温かさです
また 今までとは 違う感覚と言うか 何ともたまりません いい心地でした
あぁ 気持ちよかったです 大切なおじかんと ご尽力 感謝いたします。

腰 歪みを調整し、バランスを正常化する。
第一、 大地からのエネルギー、第二、情動のバランス、第三、知恵とパワー、憎しみや怒りのブロックの除去、第四、愛と勇気、、悲しみ、絶望、うつのブロックの除去、

今もまだ とても温かいです。
午後から めずらしく、膣から、水のようなおりものが少しありました。
ステロイドでむくんでいる顔ですが゛,顔面の左が 少し、腫れが引いている気がします。
今も、下腹まで とても暖かいです。

(ミツキ)「スピリット体とサイキック体の浄化、フィジカルボディの全体ヒーリング、すなわち無限、無条件の癒しのエネルギーをそそぐ(あわせて、寒け、頭痛、メール打つ手が少し不自由を具体的に指示)右乳房と肺と肝臓、頭皮(左、つるつる)を それぞれべつべつに、
腰 歪みを調整し、バランスを正常化する。」

(クライアント)「終わったのも しらずに まだまだ 治療が続いていると おもいました 。
いつもの様に トイレに 駆け込みました ヒーリング前は 朝お世話になった便の排毒が とてつもなく多くありました
今日のヒーリングをビデオに とって(ビデオがありませんが)お見せしたい位 ものすごい出来事が おこりました。
今も まだ ピリピリ感が 残っています 初め両足先や足裏からエネルギーが上がったかと思ったとたん 言いようの無い こそばだるい感じが左のみに、かなり長くあり右足は膝から上に玉のような固まりが うえに ラインしてあがり 次に 眉間にとんでもなく強いまた コソバイ 辛抱出来ないエネルギー 出てるのか 入っているのか 判らない感じで 限界を感じた直後 頭が左右に ごろごろと ブレだして かなり それも長くです。 その後 頭の こんどは てっぺんが 暖かくなり ほわりと そして 頭全体が むずむず はげている部分部分に良くかんじ 喉が腫れた感じで 治療を受け 最後は 鼻頭から鼻先にかけ引っ張りを感じ。
あご 右がかゆく 次に左が かゆくなり 今も かおに エネルギーをかんじます。
お休みされるのが 遅くなり 大変ご迷惑を お掛けいたしました お世話にならせて頂き とても幸せ感じます 感謝いたします お休みなさいませ。」

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
6/25 (Thu) 2:(Client) was rehearse meal is lunch time, so 感jitoremasenn did, but at 10: 30 days(Client) and was on the floor, so some breathing was easier because the soles of both feet all nerves not also. There was liver, pancreas, around the navel to the pain isn't bad (which is totally different at the wrong time hurts and pains). Less water in the lungs is the gurgling sound.Ongoing, stinks of cancer patients had gone up from the mouth. Morning, heart palpitations, but did not quite steady pulse is (and even shortness of breath and I are) lunch didn't care about is.And gone is terrific. Do you good. It is really, really, really awesome.Would appreciate it. After the stop drinking medication bowel movements to improve from last night was. Eliminates on the need From the overnight flight, ( until it molting, or even green tea was )Clean the yellow tinge.I was very happy. 5:(Client), and-is wishing with was missing words in the email below, but... Speaking of......, is amazing.It was a detox toilet before the notice in the mail.The banana two weak last night there was. Mountain energy, was intact. Been stated that the healing turned over the meal when on the side of a mountain at noon of this day 6:(Client), from his hands to zowazowa and energy in ocean waves came.Afterwards, head, face in the magnetic field have been minimized like energy received.Then feet (from when the arms legs also permeates had is).Especially my right leg back springs the feel the needles painfully, involuntarily, Oh pain! and momentEnergy, such as nadeageru and zowazowa and then enter the following theHot seven chakras, Po burst had become a hot WAD or something. We found better bowel movements.Really big whats the energy of strong surprise. Fuuu. Really today, specially a Tokushima special OMG amazing happiness, which remained in the body for energy.Thank you very much. Thank you. Gassho-zukuri. (Email conscious neurological recovery, so momentarily pain was in May)(Client) now feet are so big is easy. Recovering after the numbness cut the rough numbness of the cliff has changed. Is presumptuous, but my hips and awry, it seems bad. Now I feel so. Surprised at the big energy are far apart. Thank you very much. ( learned about the waist, so after this email and sent it healing of lumbar adjustment. ) 6/27 (Saturday) night 9:30As the healing issues ( Mizuki ) "leading a clean three-tier, three-tier out, about the physical layer, breast, left lung (water), liver, image. In addition to the distortion adjustment of numbness in the feet, hands and waist. 」Information about this when the gun command( Mizuki ) "reverse wave normal cells to cancer cells of each waveThey gun hatred or absorbed the energy of love with nature To return to normal cells, cancer cells and cells in the nearby neighborhood would become friends. To heal the entire body with the energy of unconditional love. 」 After the next mail. ( Mizuki ) "perfectly well when itRemember the interview again and cancer if not, change the patterns of the subconscious mind. Thought patterns I's cancer I freed from the worries of the gun changed it.Interview and got involved with subconscious or a check is required. 」(Client) is born. Today energy is terrific. From the back foot Pili ぞwaぞwa rising to the top energy from his hands terribly ぞwaぞwa and energy waves to body and is the ankles and wrists per up to stay warm and very comfortable warmth Also and the different sensations and say, I collect was a good feeling Oh nice thanks your efforts and your time is important. (Maybe came from after sending more than 20 minutes from mail from during that time have been effects felt paid) It is from my mail. ( Mizuki ) "was certainly also my last time more viscosity, such as energy.Today, instead of a soft light energy again to falling asleep now.Means better mountain YY's symptoms, possibly in May. 」 From 6/28/2009 (day) 11:00 23.As the healing challenges of this day( Mizuki ) ' leading ( and determine the healing challenges even though less good with )Total healing of the purification of the spirit and psychic bodies, physical body, i.e. infinite, unconditional healing energy to live. Together, chill, headache, mail nothing a little lame so they indicate specifically Right breast and lung and liver, each separately to order that extract the energy field that can no longer speak of cancer cells and other cells, cancel, sent them to the light of the ultimate cancer cells to normal cells in normal. On physical circulation water accumulated in the lungs in vitro the case removed from the lungs. Numbness of the hands and feet... related to brain and nerve activation, normal functions. Adjust the lumbar strain, normalize the balance.Such was the contents of the command.Then I turned to challenge chakra cleaning. Removal of blocks of energy from Earth first and second, emotional balance, third, wisdom and power, hate and anger, the fourth, love and courage, the sadness, the removal of blocks of despair, depression, Last download happiness and fulfillment in the energy healing, awakening, filling up the entire body has been intended.(Client) "lift at first, in the top right side of the head, opened holes to allow Something is left, right after the neck at the same time as receiving tug,Because it is terribly strong force was goose standing body, Body had become reverse go time. Could not help it because the voice.Then, from the knee on stomach until warm energy, so warm and pleasantIt is even now still very warm.And followed by sore feeling lazy bad right hipFeel the itch and itchy nose around (just like when) was the very firstAcupressure points in the middle of the Palm came to the fuselage and ripped.Take the scarves were wrapped around the hot and then, Wore a Cardigan and undressed. In the afternoon were a little like the water discharge from the vagina, unusual. Cancer how many bumps are made here and there of the hair of the head Has become a smooth bald, it a bit itchy I felt. (Left min.)Face puffy from steroids but says, I feel are pulling little, left facial swelling. Even now, abdomen until very warm. Thank you. 」 From 1/2009 10:00Challenges similar to yesterday( Mizuki ) "pour entire healing, infinite, unconditional healing energy of the purification of the spirit and psychic bodies, physical body ( together, chill, headache, mail nothing a little lame specifically instructions ) right breast and lung and liver, scalp ( left the slippery ) to each separately ' Remove the cancer cells, undo and sent them to the light of the ultimateReplaced by healthy cells, now soon, YYYY, all cells and healthy cells, and best, of the best health status, her free from the cancer. On physical circulation water accumulated in the lungs in vitro the case removed from the lungs. Hair of the head your whiskers away. Projections of spine of scapula Numbness of the hands and feet... related to brain and nerve activation, normal functions. Adjust the lumbar strain, normalize the balance. 」In addition to the was meant to cleanse each chakra. (Total 26 4 minutes = 30 minutes)(Client) "and also ended up not knowing still continues to treat Hong Kong.Detoxification of healing before I ran to the bathroom became indebted to morning flights was extraordinary and more Healing for today was very much want to show you is for the video (no video) event occurred. Just when you thought beginning from both feet and legs back energy went up or even now still tingling unspeakable without this immediately felt the limit at or near a languid feel and long left only on the right leg coming on line on the mass, such as jade from knee up then ridiculously strong eyebrows, can't persevere Cosby also energy know that head to the left and right rumble and shake, pretty but not for long is. The occipital and warm on top this time most good portion, and head across and around bald restless kanji last pull over to feel nose nose head, feeling my throat was swollen by treatment.Itchy Chin right then left to itch, or even now, your energy kannjimasu.Rest slows down the Government became indebted we are annoying inconvenience so caused, I feel very happy thank you off made not. 」
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

(クライアント)・ ・・さきぼとのメールの通りで、言葉が抜けていましたが・・・
バナナ二本弱 昨夜もあったのですが






今日のエネルギーも ものすごかったです
足裏からピリピリ ぞわぞわ エネルギーが 上へと あがり 両手からは じんじん ぞわぞわと エネルギーが 波のように 体に そして 足首あたりと 両手首あたりまでが ぽかぽか と とても 心地良い 温かさです
また 今までとは 違う感覚と言うか 何ともたまりません いい心地でした
あぁ 気持ちよかったです 大切なおじかんと ご尽力 感謝いたします。

腰 歪みを調整し、バランスを正常化する。
第一、 大地からのエネルギー、第二、情動のバランス、第三、知恵とパワー、憎しみや怒りのブロックの除去、第四、愛と勇気、、悲しみ、絶望、うつのブロックの除去、

今もまだ とても温かいです。
午後から めずらしく、膣から、水のようなおりものが少しありました。
ステロイドでむくんでいる顔ですが゛,顔面の左が 少し、腫れが引いている気がします。
今も、下腹まで とても暖かいです。

(ミツキ)「スピリット体とサイキック体の浄化、フィジカルボディの全体ヒーリング、すなわち無限、無条件の癒しのエネルギーをそそぐ(あわせて、寒け、頭痛、メール打つ手が少し不自由を具体的に指示)右乳房と肺と肝臓、頭皮(左、つるつる)を それぞれべつべつに、
腰 歪みを調整し、バランスを正常化する。」

(クライアント)「終わったのも しらずに まだまだ 治療が続いていると おもいました 。
いつもの様に トイレに 駆け込みました ヒーリング前は 朝お世話になった便の排毒が とてつもなく多くありました
今日のヒーリングをビデオに とって(ビデオがありませんが)お見せしたい位 ものすごい出来事が おこりました。
今も まだ ピリピリ感が 残っています 初め両足先や足裏からエネルギーが上がったかと思ったとたん 言いようの無い こそばだるい感じが左のみに、かなり長くあり右足は膝から上に玉のような固まりが うえに ラインしてあがり 次に 眉間にとんでもなく強いまた コソバイ 辛抱出来ないエネルギー 出てるのか 入っているのか 判らない感じで 限界を感じた直後 頭が左右に ごろごろと ブレだして かなり それも長くです。 その後 頭の こんどは てっぺんが 暖かくなり ほわりと そして 頭全体が むずむず はげている部分部分に良くかんじ 喉が腫れた感じで 治療を受け 最後は 鼻頭から鼻先にかけ引っ張りを感じ。
あご 右がかゆく 次に左が かゆくなり 今も かおに エネルギーをかんじます。
お休みされるのが 遅くなり 大変ご迷惑を お掛けいたしました お世話にならせて頂き とても幸せ感じます 感謝いたします お休みなさいませ。」

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
On August 2 (including potential clients, lunch time after meals, and did not see, when the time was 10 potential clients on the floor because of something that was easy and the lining both the felt pain. At the liver, pancreas, it unpleasant pain around the navel (sore pain and bad times are quite different. Lung water, it was a small sound. At that time, the smell, the smell of cancer patientsI come from the mouth. The morning was quite badly, palpitations and stable pulse is, it is hard to breath. The lunch is not out of mind. At the great, after all. Well at work. Really, really, really great. At the welcome. After the last night of drinking the medicine to improve bowel movement. (need not including the flight from last night, until it was black or green tea and it was clean, includingAnd it was yellow. I was glad of it. Five potential clients, too, and blur as the mail, missing words, but likely if I, and that was awesome. At last, pick up the mail detox is in the toilet. The energy of the mountain is the banana was weak at last night, as it is. (on this day in halfway up the mountain when the meals are sent as a healing at RI.First, the client that I gave you, the energy from the hands of the entered, like the waves of the sea. Then, at the head of the energy is suppressed by magnetic force from the whole face, then both the energy of the watch you with my foot, including spring, especially on the back of the right foot pain, tingling, I feel all the pain at the moment, then I like you and I なであげる next at the seventh chakra, hotIt was a warm mass with a burst or something. At the movement of the intestine was good. I was very surprised at the energy of the strong. If you want to. Today is really a special, very special, as energy is more than happy. Sir, thank you. Thank you. Namaste. So, too, the recovery of nerve pain and may even now )

(mail client, very comfortable. After that, I canThe cured with rough numbness is changing. At the brazen, Moyu cancer like bad hip. I feel at this time. Far away, at a large amount of energy in a stunned. Thank you very much. For the matter of the waist of the mail message after healing of lumbar adjustment.) On June 27 (too) and nine in the evening of 30 minutes at healing, (Mitsuki) "reading, cleaning, and one layer of layerThe physical layer in the breast, lung, liver, (water). In addition, numbness of both hands, feet, waist distortion adjustment. " The command of the cancer at this time "Mitsuki) of love at the energy of each wave normal cells to cancer cells in the inversion of wave absorption and hatred, and that at the end of the properties of cancer cells and cancer cells, a neighborhood friends going back to normal cells. Healing of unconditional love and energy to the whole body. " AtI like the next mail. (Mitsuki) as completely well again at the gun must remember to change the pattern of the subconscious to interview. I thought the change pattern of "cancer" "I worry released from the gun"? With a strange or check that the subconscious mind is okay. "

(client is happy new year at today's energy was awesome.Foot tingling from you and to you that I on energy from my hands of you and I on the wave energy in body and extended around the ankles and wrists so warm, comfortable warmth is also different from ever feeling and say there is no lumps Oh, I was really good at. I appreciate your time and effort. AtAfter more than 20 minutes (I feel far from its effect from the mail may have, including from my email. Today was the energy (Mitsuki) is at the "to be sure that my last more viscosity, soft light energy, sleep and so on. If it's at the YY symptoms that mountain over the meaning of it. " Well, June 28 (11) from the time 0:00 23 minutes.Mitsuki at the healing of the day "(reading) and confirm the spirit and body, including the following issues and psychic healing, purification, whole body physical healing energy that is infinite and unconditional healing. (also, chills, headache, so that there can be a little inconvenient mail threshold "and their specific instructions, including the right breast, lung and liver respectively hadTo cancel out the energy field, and could not speak "cancer cells and other cells, the ultimate light based on the order of normal cells and cancer cells. In the lung of accumulated water on the outside of the body circulation, remove from the lungs. At the hands of both feet numbness and related to the activation of brain and nerve function. By adjusting the distortion at the waist, the right balance. The content of the command. AtIt was then put into the cleaning chakra. At first, the energy from the earth, the second, the third, the balance of emotion, wisdom and power of hatred and anger, the block is removed, the despair of love and courage, energy, sadness, they removed the last block depression of happiness and fulfillment, download a chord had intended to fill in the whole body. From the beginning,

(client side at the top right of the head, so as to raise a hole in a tensionAt something, right after the neck, pull, at the same time as it was tremendously strong force for the goose bumps on the back, but when they stood in the whole body. He couldn't help thinking of my voice. Then, at the navel energy to warm, very good feeling warm and still very warm. The bad and the right hip pain, feel languid is taken care of in the first (as well as) around the noseThe center of the palm and itchy feeling restless at that point, to the electric shock and the body. At the subsequent hot up wearing a scarf cardigan they take off. From the afternoon from the vagina, which is rare, and there are some, such as water. The hair of the head parts of the product, it is the number of the cancer, but is a bit slippery at felt itchy. But in the left part (including steroid bloated face spring ,That left a little face, pulling the swelling. Up to now, at the lower abdomen is very warm. Thanks, I will. " Sports, June 29, 2009 (month) 10:00 minutes from yesterday and similar problems of Mitsuki) and "spirit body purification, psychic healing, that is, the entire physical body, Infinite Energy Healing Videos (unconditional, chills, headache, but a little way to mail to a specific instruction) and the right breast, lung, liver, left the scalpSlippery), had to cancel out the cancer cells, the ultimate light on cell replacement, right now, YYYY's healthy cells, all cells in the best of the best state of health, her release from your gun. In the lung of accumulated water on the outside of the body circulation, remove from the lungs. Once you have a head of hair. The projection at the hands of the spine of scapula atNumbness of both feet, is related to the activation of brain and nerve function. By adjusting the distortion at the waist, the right balance. It was intended as a purification of each chakra in addition to 」
. At 26 minutes (= 4 minutes and 30 minutes to know which part of the client end )

(treatment is still continuing, he thought. Always at the toilet before the morning rush healing was that one of the 排毒 flights have been very many.The video for the healing of today have no place in the video to show you the terrible events occur. At now, still smarting sensation remains at first thought it up from the soles of the feet and the energy of the moment you feel dull is not only to the leftThere is quite a long time I set foot on the ball and also mentioned such as next in line for, I can also feel the strong limit if you leave コソバイ energy cannot feel immediately after the patient is unknown and head to the left and right to shake it well it is a long time.Then the head on the top end of the warm and his whole head itching, flaking often parts that I feel in the throat swelling treated in the end from the nose to nose head tension. Now that your right now to get itchy itchy left in one's energy. To rest at the slower you a great deal of inconvenience you have been making you feel so grateful to you for your happy holidays. " Stress
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