星の花が降るころに安東みきえ 銀木犀の花は甘い香りで、白く小さな星の形をしている。そして雪が降るように音もなく落ちてくる。去年の秋、夏実と二翻訳 - 星の花が降るころに安東みきえ 銀木犀の花は甘い香りで、白く小さな星の形をしている。そして雪が降るように音もなく落ちてくる。去年の秋、夏実と二英語言う方法

星の花が降るころに安東みきえ 銀木犀の花は甘い香りで、白く小さな星の形





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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
By the time rain-star flowerMiki Ando-eh Silver sweet osmanthus flower is fragrant and has a small star-shaped white. And without sound as it snows falling. Last fall, summer fruit and scattered flowers, with two people standing underneath the tree looking at that long. In the notice, and the ground is white star had become bloated. It cannot move anymore, owning it, and Natsumi is trunk closer, with two people trapped in the tree, said and laughed. ─ ─ Gaetan! I was surprised. If you had dimly recall last fall that desk has knocked you Tobe suddenly. Tobe is turned around and shouted behind men's."Stop. I like hitting. I want to hit on purpose? 」 Classroom study time, went into the lunch break were noisily. I suspected you Tobe."Something for? 」"I'm here because I'm asking homework. Then I suddenly pushed them. 」 Tobe is always flirting with someone of the football team, are playing each other. And a little kodzuki is each other, and quickly becomes a serious quarrel. Do not know why. Cram print you Tobe held out in front of me."This problem don't know I'm. "If, that is, make sentences using the words. Would you're good at this. 」 私だってわからない。いっしょだった小学生のころからわからないままだ。なんで戸部君はいつも私にからんでくるのか。なんで同じ塾に入ってくるのか。なんでサッカー部なのに先輩のように格好よくないのか。「わかんないよ。そんなの自分で考えなよ。」 隣の教室の授業も終わったらしく、いすを引く音がガタガタと聞こえてきた。私は戸部君を押しのけるようにして立ち上がると廊下に向かった。 戸部君に関わり合っている暇はない。今日こそは仲直りをすると決めてきたのだ。はられたポスターや掲示を眺めるふりをしながら、廊下で夏実が出てくるのを待った。 夏実とは中学に上がってもずっと親友でいようと約束をしていた。だから春の間はクラスが違っても必ずいっしょに帰っていた。それなのに、何度か小さなすれ違いや誤解が重なるうち、別々に帰るようになってしまった。お互いに意地を張っていたのかもしれない。 お守りみたいな小さなビニール袋をポケットの上からそっとなでた。中には銀木犀の花が入っている。もう香りはなくなっているけれどかまわない。去年の秋、この花で何か手作りに挑戦しようと言ってそのままになっていた。香水はもう無理でも試しにせっけんを作ってみよう、そして秋になったら新しい花を拾って、それでポプリなんかも作ってみよう……そう誘ってみるつもりだった。夏実だって、私から言いだすのをきっと待っているはずだ。 夏実の姿が目に入った。教室を出てこちらに向かってくる。 そのとたん、私は自分の心臓がどこにあるのかがはっきりわかった。どきどき鳴る胸をなだめるように一つ息を吸ってはくと、ぎこちなく足を踏み出した。「あの、夏実──」 私が声をかけたのと、隣のクラスの子が夏実に話しかけたのが同時だった。夏実は一瞬とまどったような顔でこちらを見た後、隣の子に何か答えながら私からすっと顔を背けた。そして目の前を通り過ぎて行ってしまった。音のないこま送りの映像を見ているように、変に長く感じられた。 騒々しさがやっと耳に戻ったとき、教室の中の戸部君がこちらを見ていることに気づいた。私はきっとひどい顔をしている。唇がふるえているし、目の縁が熱い。きまりが悪くてはじかれたようにその場を離れると、窓に駆け寄って下をのぞいた。裏門にも、コンクリートの通路にも人の姿はない。どこも強い日差しのせいで、色が飛んでしまったみたい。貧血を起こしたときに見える白々とした光景によく似ている。 私は外にいる友達を探しているふうに熱心に下を眺めた。本当は友達なんていないのに。夏実の他には友達とよびたい人なんてだれもいないのに。 帰りは図書委員の集まりがあったせいで遅くなった。のろのろと靴を履き替えていると、校庭からサッカー部のかけ声が聞こえてきた。 もう九月というのに、昨日も真夏日だった。校庭に出ると、毛穴という毛穴から魂がぬるぬると溶け出してしまいそうに暑かった。 運動部のみんなはサバンナの動物みたいで、入れ替わり立ち替わり水を飲みにやって来る。水飲み場の近くに座って戸部君を探した。夏実とのことを見られたのが気がかりだった。繊細さのかけらもない戸部君だから、みんなの前で何を言いだすか知れたものじゃない。どこまでわかっているのか探っておきたかった。だいたいなんであんな場面をのんびりと眺めていたのだろう。それを考えると弱みを握られた気分になり、八つ当たりとわかってもにくらしくてしかたがなかった。 戸部君の姿がやっと見つかった。 なかなか探せないはずだ。サッカーの練習をしているみんなとは離れた所で、一人ボールをみがいていた。 サッカーボールは縫い目が弱い。そこからほころびる。だからグリスをぬってやらないとだめなんだ。使いたいときだけ使って、手入れをしないでいるのはだめなんだ。いつか戸部君がそう言っていたのを思い出した。 日陰もない校庭の隅っこで背中を丸め、黙々とボールみがきをしている戸部君を見ていたら、なんだか急に自分の考えていたことがひどく小さく、くだらないことに思えてきた。 立ち上がって水道の蛇口をひねった。水をぱしゃぱしゃと顔にかけた。冷たかった。溶け出していた魂がもう一度引っ込み、やっと顔の輪郭が戻ってきたような気がした。 てのひらに水を受けて何度もほおをたたいていると、足音が近づいてきた。後ろから「おい。」と声をかけられた。戸部君だ。ずっと耳になじんでいた声だからすぐわかる。

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Star of flowers around in the rain
Andong Mikie of silver Osmanthus flowers are sweet smell, it is in the form of a white small star. And falling silently as snow. Last autumn, standing beneath the tree in Natsumi and two, I was looking up at it long flowers that fall. If you notice, the ground had become filled with white star-shaped. It is not stomping'm this, this'm not move anymore, and Natsumi Asked the body to the trunk, was trapped in a tree with two people, I laughed to say so. ── Gatan! I was surprised. If you remembered vaguely that of last fall, it has been hit suddenly Tobe-kun on the desk. When Tobe kun look back, and yelled toward the back of the boys. and "I Stop it. I wish I Na press. will like I was deliberately hit." self-study time is over, classrooms went into the lunch break had been hum. I glared the Tobe you. "? Softening" "I'm came going to listen to homework. And then Aitsu-ra has been pressed suddenly." Tobe kun are each other playful always playfully someone of soccer. And a little dig each other soon it would fight serious to Takaji. But I do not know. The school of print, Tobe kun held out in front of me. "I'm not know this problem. Make a sentence using the word" as if ", because.'ll Thy good, this kind of." do not know Even me. I still do not know since I was in elementary school was with. Why what Tobe kun come in always involved me. Are you coming why in the same school. Why Is it not in style as seniors to football part. "I do not know. I kind of Na thinking on their own." seems also ended class next to the classroom, the sound-catching chair I've heard a rattling. I went into the hallway when stand up so as to push away the Tobe you. There is no time to have each other involved in Tobe you. It's for what has been decided to reconciled today. While pretending to admire the pasted posters and bulletin, and waited for Natsumi come out in the hallway. And Natsumi had been promised to be no matter at a much best friends, even up to the junior high school. So during the spring had returned to always together even if different classes. Yet, among the small passing and misunderstanding overlap several times, it has become as go separately. We may have been stretched nasty to each other. The charm like a small plastic bag I was patted gently from the top of the pocket. Silver Osmanthus flower is on in. It does not matter but is no longer the other scent. Last fall, it was supposed to leave that to say that attempts to challenge something handmade in this flower. Perfume Let's make the soap to try another impossible even, and picking up new flower After the fall, so was going to try to invite the potpourri something so ...... Let's also made. Even Natsumi, should waiting kit from me bring up the. Appearance of Natsumi gets into your eyes. Exit the classroom to come towards us. That moment, I either was found clearly where to find their own heart. When foil sucking soothing in one breath the pounding sound chest, it was taken the awkward foot. "That, Natsumi ──" and I have multiplied by the voice, the child next to the class it was simultaneous that spoke to Natsumi. Natsumi after seeing here in as puzzled for a moment face, turned away straight face from me while answer something next to the child. And we've carried out past the front of the eye. As a look at the video with no frame advance of the sound, it was felt strangely long. When the tumult has finally returned to the ear, I noticed that Mr. Tobe in the classroom are watching here. I have a surely awful face. To lips trembling, eyes of edge is hot. If it determines the leave the place as was repelled bad, except for the down and running up to the window. Also to the back gate, there is no appearance of humans in the path of the concrete. Everywhere because of the strong sunlight, like the color it had flying. And it is similar to the scene to obtain a white people visible when caused anemia. I looked under eagerly to Fu looking for a friend who is outside. Really though not Nante friends. Though not everyone Nante people you want to call a friend in addition to the Natsumi. Return became slower due there was a collection of books committee. When tardily are in place to wear the shoes, shout of soccer has been heard from the schoolyard. To refer to the other in September, it was a midsummer day yesterday. On leaving the school grounds, it was hot to seem to get out melts To slimy soul from the pores of pores. Palikot's Movement part in like Savannah animals come to drink a turnover Standing instead water. I looked for Tobe Mr. sitting close to the watering hole. It was a concern and that was seen that with Natsumi. Because there is no Tobe Mr. pieces of delicacy, it's not what was know what you bring up in front of everyone. I wanted to explore whether leave is known far. Roughly wonder was why leisurely views of the Anna scene. With that in mind it becomes mood that was held a weakness, there was no choice but to be detestably even been found to hit eight. Tobe Mr. figure was finally found. You should not find easily. Away everyone is that the practice of soccer, had polished the one ball. Soccer ball stitching is weak. It unravels from there. What a useless and so not Yara painted the grease. Use only when you want to use, it is I'm useless to have not a care. Tobe Mr. I remembered had said so someday. Rounding the back with neither schoolyard of corner shade, I watched the Tobe-kun that silently ball polishing, somehow suddenly it is terribly small that I was thinking of myself, it has seemed to the silly thing. Was twisted the faucet stood up. Water it was subjected to Pashapasha and face. It was cold. Retraction soul that has been melted once again, felt like has finally back is the outline of the face. When it receives the water many times have hit the cheek in the palm of your hand, footsteps approaching. "Hey." And it was put a voice from behind. Tobe's you. Immediately understood because it is voice that was familiar to the ear much. When I look back while wiping the face, Tobe-kun said. "I, I was thinking." was staring at Tobe kun put out only the eyes from the hand towel. It was silent a little scary what is to say. "I know," as if "guy I Make a sentence using the word." "Oh, What. thing of it." "good or, well Kikeyo ...... that you, you thought it was surprisingly handsome me There ── "grinned I laughed. "── it might if it were." After all Tobe Mr. I, do not know the divided. And I began to wipe with postponed the face by two people. And though I did not notice because I had never faced properly Become a junior high school student, Mr. Tobe of the back that should was lower than I have unawares become much higher than me. I was laughing by applying a towel. It's because you have too laugh so much is the tears have blurred, perhaps. Way back from school, I stopped to park with a silver Osmanthus by the detour a little. Silver Osmanthus is the leaves all year round lush because evergreen. Since it trim clean round, it seems the round roof room if put under the tree. Natsumi and I love here, it had decided the secret base of only two people. Okay If you are in here, what trees will protect from. It was needed to believe so. Sunlight even closer in the evening is still strong. Under a tree it was cool Become a shadow. Aunt that the cleaning has been talking and resting the hand of weeding. "Hey'm good tree, this time to me is in the shade of a tree. But the early spring,'m unexpectedly nasty fall leaves, cleaning is a difference." I was puzzled. But it should evergreen has all year round is lush leaves. "For example, leaves or I do not it does not fall much." as come Oh the "No way. more and more old leaves, and'm grow a new leaf in its place. Well Anta Yeah. in. If not, not live much Even tree yo. " is but the face in the hat did not know well the dark, only laughed teeth looked white. Aunt, walked to the opposite side of the park when facing the cleaning tool to say oops-a-daisy. I looked up at the tree of silver Osmanthus standing beneath. Inclined sun shimmering To insert from between the leaves, it was glowing like a star that is twinkling in the air of the semi-circular sphere. It took out a plastic bag from his pocket. Petals shrink small, the other colors are faded completely. Open the mouth of the bag, I dropped To sprinkle star-shaped flower on top of the soil. Here it might be to pick up day will come someday also Natsumi and flowers. Or you might pick up different from anyone. Or such a thing may not longer. Both Even good. Okay, I able surely doing somehow. I was out to duck under a tree of silver Osmanthus.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
By the time the star falls the flower of fragrant olive Ando Mikie stress in sweet smelling flowers, a small white star. Then, as the snow falling down without a sound. Last autumn, summer and in two of the tree and looked up at that long to fall. And the ground is white star was full. This is not, this is another one is stuck, and by the stem, trapped in a tree, he laughed. He snapped up! An amazed.I vaguely remember that last fall, all of a sudden you tobe bumped against the desk. Look back, and you tobe back toward the man shouted.
「 it. A push. I would like a hit on purpose. " At the end of the study time, lunch break the noise entering the classroom. I thought you tobe. I
「 for? " I do my homework
「 troubling to think. Then they suddenly pushed. " AtYou tobe and who always like playing football. And like to be around a little soon serious quarrel. I don't know why. At the school, you tobe printed out in front of me.
「 he know this problem. The word "if", even to make a sentence. You will be good at this. " I don't know. I don't know from me was when I was in elementary school.Why do you always put me tobe come in. Why are in the same school will come. So why is not cool, but senior football club. I don't know
「. I think of myself. " At the end of it on the other side of the classroom teaching, and pull the chairs. I went up in the hallway as tobe push you. You tobe at no time matching relation. I decided to make up that day.Put posters and pretended to look at the post, while in the hallway and waited for the coming summer. At which all good friends and promised to Natsumi junior high and rising. So during the spring back is always different classes together. However, some small misunderstanding and overlap each other, one has to go. Each of his might. At a stroke from a pocket on the charm of a small plastic bag.Are composed of Osmanthus fragrans flowers. Though there may be no more fragrance. Last fall, this flower is trying to say something that is handmade. Perfume is already impossible even to try to make soap, and in the fall when the new flowers picked up, so... I also made potpourri... I was going to do me in. Natsumi, I should tell you to wait. Natsumi figure of his eye.Leave the classroom in this way. At that moment, I felt my heart where it is found. In a soothing sounds to beat breast suck on one breath, and awkward. And that
「, Natsumi (1993), and I was simultaneously the child to Natsumi next class. Natsumi like him in the face for a moment and look after the children while you say something to me quickly turned away. Then, before passing away.Like a top feed without sound, watching video, have long felt strange. At the time, the noise is finally returned to the ears, you tobe noticed in the classroom can see here. I will have to face. His lips are hot, one's eyes. Embarrassed as bad flipped and leave the window and looked down over. In the back of the concrete is not the passage of a person. Where is the strong sunlight, like flying.When causing anemia, and are very similar to the scene. I looked down on the way, looking for a friend. Though there is no truth. Natsumi on other people and not with my friends. At the back of the library collection and because he was late. And they left shoe, and slowly I heard shouts from the football club. September, while at the other was a hot day yesterday. In the schoolyardFrom the pores and pores of the soul out of the slimy and melted so hot. Everyone at the club like a savannah animals, will come to drink the water one after another. Looking for you tobe sitting near the water. It was found that care and love. You tobe no fine particles, in front of everyone not know what to tell you. I wanted to know where are explored.What's more or less in the scene view and will slow down. In the mood becomes one to think of it, there was no other way にくらしく it and take it out. At the sight of you tobe found at last. Should look at it. Where they have left to soccer practice, the Polish one ball. The soccer ball is weak at the seams. Apart from there. No! Not so when the grease. Only when you want to useYou don't have to care. When you remember tobe said. At the back of the schoolyard rounded corner no shade when I was watching the ball polishing is tobe you silently, I thought that I was small, it seemed silly. At the turn of the rising water. The bathtub with water and put in the face. Cold. Soul again in fact, I feel like I finally returned to the contour of the face. AtIn the palm to the water again on the cheeks and the approaching footsteps. From "back in." And a voice. You tobe. Find the right fit from the voice heard for a long time. And while wiping his face looking back at you, "said tobe.
「 I think. " Stare at you from the hand towel tobe than an eye. What you said was silent a little scared. Look, if
「 "words" and make a sentence with me. " Oh, what a
「.That's it. " Well, I
「 listen... You smiled and thought, "which makes me quite handsome. -- "if." You tobe. After all, I don't know why. They looked at each other in the face wiped out. I didn't notice it because I was faced by junior high school student, I was supposed tobe taller than me you had much higher. I laughed at it with a towel.Due to too much laughter, tears welled up in it too. Home from school, I dropped in a park of Osmanthus fragrans round. The fragrant olive tree leaves that are green all year round. Clean it up, so cut like a dome of the tree in the room. Natsumi here and I love, I only decided secret base. All right, if any, from here to protect the trees. I believed in it. AtIn the evening, the sun was still strong. The tree was cool in the shade. The lady at the hands of weeding, spoke to me.
「 good, this time in the shade of a tree. But the spring leaf fell unexpectedly awkward, to clean up. " I was puzzled. Evergreen trees have green leaves throughout the year.
「, don't you ever fallen leaves ".
「 surely.More and more old leaves dropped, instead I grow new leaves. There is no doubt about it. You have to live in, how much is the tree. " In the face of the dark hat wasn't sure, but only smile teeth whitening. She walked on the other side of the park and say alley-oop cleaning tools. I looked up at the silver olive trees standing beneath. From among the leaves on the sunshine,Shimmering semicircle sphere in the air like the stars twinkle. At the plastic bag out of his pocket. The small petals shrinks more faded completely. At the opening of the bag mouth, I dropped the star-shaped flowers on earth. Here again someday and Natsumi might come up that day. Different from who may pick up. Or that I might not. At which you want. Okay, we should try to get rid of you. AtI went through the fragrant olive tree. At
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