1) 認証と試験の申し込みについて試験レポートはVMI発行、認証書はQUATEST1発行となっています。VMIとQUATEST1へそれぞれ順翻訳 - 1) 認証と試験の申し込みについて試験レポートはVMI発行、認証書はQUATEST1発行となっています。VMIとQUATEST1へそれぞれ順英語言う方法

1) 認証と試験の申し込みについて試験レポートはVMI発行、認証書はQ

1) 認証と試験の申し込みについて


・マニュアル類(instruction/installation manual)
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
1) on the application for certification and testingVMI test report issued the certificate QUATEST 1 publishedHas become.VMI and QUATEST1 each that apply to order?Sign up to QUATEST1 and specify the laboratory VMI and theEither taught or exams until the authentication request has beenDo you not? 2) for the testing and certificationRules not below 4 points are written, but are to submit actualLet me check something.Do not submit technical documents and photos from our something otherI would tell me instead of submitting. Test samples: one set (to reserve up to two sets)Manuals (manual instruction/installation)-Exterior and Interior photosTechnical documentation (circuit diagrams and component lists)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

1) For the application of certification and test
test report VMI issue, a certificate is issued QUATEST1
has become.
VMI and to each of whether it is application in order QUATEST1
designated laboratories and apply to QUATEST1 as the VMI
was teaching either whether the need is application of up to certification from the test
or would not only. 2) for submission to the time of testing and certification we have was written less than 4 points in the rule, but one that is actually submitted , please do something to confirm. Something other than a statement for the technical documents / photos from our company has not been submitted and we'd appreciate it if you could tell me if there is something that has submitted instead. · Test sample: 1 set (2 to set the preliminary) , manuals (Instruction / Installation Manual) - appearance, the interior of the photo -technical documentation (circuit diagram, component list)

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
(1) on the application of authentication testThe test report is issued, VMI certificate issued QUATEST 1And.The VMI to QUATEST respectively in order to offer?As VMI specification test and apply to QUATEST 1Either from the test after completion of the application of teachingNot only will it be?(2) when the testing and certification for submissionsIn the following 4 points are written rules and the practice of presentationWhat? Let me check.Nothing but not shown since the submission of documents and photos from our company?But what if you have submitted instead if you could tell me.Sample and test set (set of 2: 1 to spare.The instruction manual, installation manual.The appearance and interior photoTechnical documents, circuit diagrams, component list.
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