ファミリーファンド方式は、投資信託の運用方式の一つで、投資家(受益者)から集めた資金をまとめてベビーファンドとし、その資金を主としてマザーフ翻訳 - ファミリーファンド方式は、投資信託の運用方式の一つで、投資家(受益者)から集めた資金をまとめてベビーファンドとし、その資金を主としてマザーフ英語言う方法



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Family Fund scheme is investment trust management system regularly and the sums raised from the investors ( beneficiaries ), its funds primarily by investing mothers find, substantial operational mothers find in. Set the highly versatile domestic equity, domestic bond, foreign equity, bond, domestic REIT types, foreign REIT types, such as the mother find thenHas become a mechanism that hang down more regularly under investors invest in real. Enable more efficient and rational operations, such as the reduction of transaction costs by combining multiple funds assets, thereby, utilizing the benefits of scale.

Family Fund scheme, investors purchased regularly beneficiary securities, invested mother Fund beneficiary funds collected in there. And,Become a mother find joint operations was operation results (revenues) are distributed regularly, its revenue is distributed to investors through regularly. Furthermore, this scheme if the mother find a trust fees cannot collect, regularly and mother find was established in principle in the same production company (consignment);
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Is one of the operation method of investment trusts, and the baby fund summarizes the amount of money raised investors from (beneficiary), and invested in the mother fund primarily the funds, family fund scheme, in the mother fund operations substantial so that we do. To be more specific, the more you set the Mother Fund versatile domestic equity, domestic bond type, foreign equity, foreign bonds type, domestic REIT type, and foreign REIT type, investors to invest actually underneath It has a mechanism of fund baby that dangle. Thus, by grouping the assets in multiple funds, it is possible and reduction of trading costs taking advantage of the size and operation and reasonable efficiency. Is a family-fund scheme, investors buy the shares of the fund baby, where funds collected are invested in shares of the Mother Fund. And I will be (income) is distributed to the baby fund investment results that have been commingled with Mother Fund, the proceeds are distributed to investors through a fund baby. In the case of this method, since Mother Fund can not collect the trust fees, mother and baby fund fund is that the same management company (Management Company) was established in principle.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Family fund system, is one of the investment trust management system (the beneficiary), investors and the funds collected from baby to funds, funds mainly invest in the equity fund investment in the fund in the mother. Specifically, the domestic stock, bond, stock, foreign and domestic REIT foreign bond type fund, mother of foreign REIT type, such asWhen a plurality of baby under the fund investors in investment and hang. In this way, put together a plurality of fund assets, including cost reduction effect of Merritt scale, efficient and reasonable operation. Well, the family fund investors to buy the fund beneficiary securities to the baby, where the funds are invested in the fund beneficiary certificates. Then,The results of a joint investment in Equity Fund (revenue) baby fund distribution, its revenue is distributed to investors through baby fund. In the case of this method, the mother can't trust fund to pay for the collection, the principle of the same mother and baby fund management company, fund management company) established by.
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