私が今一番興味のあるものは音楽ゲームというものです。これは、一般的には音楽に合わせてボタンなどを叩くだけというものなんですが、難易度が高くな翻訳 - 私が今一番興味のあるものは音楽ゲームというものです。これは、一般的には音楽に合わせてボタンなどを叩くだけというものなんですが、難易度が高くな英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
What I am now most interested in is music game.Higher difficulty is that it is generally fit the music button, such as tap only what is very hard, you might have 30 button is pressed and it's the most difficult game in the second place. But would still play music without instruments, including Comodo so very good. Also, for exercise or reflexes, such as the recent and rehabilitation, including used is likely.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I some of the most interesting now is that music game.
This is, in general, I do things and that only hit the like button to match the music, but becomes very difficult when the degree of difficulty increases, also out where you do not and it's the most difficult game not press the 30 button per second You have. However, I think it is a very nice so comfortably play without still the music using the musical instruments. In addition, or gargle such as reflexes, because it becomes a little exercise, it is said that is also used in such rehabilitation it's recently.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I'm game music is most interested in. At this, it is commonly used to the music only to hit the like button, the difficulty increases and becomes very difficult, you must place the most difficult game at 30 per second button is pressed. However, it is still not used to play musical instruments, such as music, because I think is very good. In addition, reflexes, etc., at the slightest movementRecently, and it is also used in rehabilitation.
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