日本・遊園地・テーマパーク経営企業(動物園・植物園・水族館経営企業)収入高合計は、前年比7.7%増の約8616億2900万円。増収企業は、8翻訳 - 日本・遊園地・テーマパーク経営企業(動物園・植物園・水族館経営企業)収入高合計は、前年比7.7%増の約8616億2900万円。増収企業は、8英語言う方法











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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Japan, amusement park, Zoo, botanical garden and Aquarium management company theme park management company

, total income the year 7's. About 861629000000 Yen increased by 7%.

Sales companies accounted for approximately half of the entire at 81.

Percentage revenue growth companies saw revenue high-scale

in 50 billion yen or more, all three companies are increased revenue,

and other less than 100 ~ 50 billion ¥ is 66. 7%

60 is less than 10-5 billion. 0% and

high-income scale larger, revenues tend to be.

Huis ten Bosch (shares) increased from 10. Is the 5% growth rate.

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Japan Amusement theme park management companies (Zoo, Botanical Gardens and aquariums management companies) with revenues total, about 861.6 billion 29 million yen 7.7% from the previous year. Sales companies, which accounted for about half of the total 81 companies. The proportion of sales company that has seen revenue sales by size, is 500 million yen or more, all three companies revenue, other 66.7% is 100-50000000000 yen less than, 10-5000000000 yen less than the 60.0% , with revenues of scale increases, I am located in the sales trend. By sales of Huis Ten Bosch Co., Ltd., we have become a growth rate of 10.5%.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Japan amusement park, theme park management, zoo, botanical gardens and aquariums in total business income RI 7.7 percent to about 8616 million yen. Corporate profits too, 81, which occupies about the half of the whole. The growth rate of business income scale at too high, too, more than 500 billion yen in three all profits and other, 100 to 500 billion yen 66.7%、

10 to 50 billion yen 60.0 and larger scale and higher income has a tendency to increase. StressAccording to the company, and growth rate of 10.5. Too
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