シカの「落ち穂拾い」――フィールドノートの記録から辻大和観察のきっかけ宮城県牡鹿半島の沖にある金華山は、面積約10平方キロメートルの小さな島翻訳 - シカの「落ち穂拾い」――フィールドノートの記録から辻大和観察のきっかけ宮城県牡鹿半島の沖にある金華山は、面積約10平方キロメートルの小さな島英語言う方法






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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Deer "the gleaners"--From field notesTsuji YamatoObservation opportunityJinhua mountain off the coast of oshika peninsula, Miyagi Prefecture is a small island of the area of about 10 square kilometers. Remaining primeval forest of beech and fir trees, many inhabited by creatures of the wild Japanese Macaque and sika deer. I inquired about the feeding behaviour of monkeys, this island. Island currently has about 200 monkeys, herds of six lives. I've observed to study in groups in the northwestern part of the island. This area inhabits almost three hundred deer other monkeys. Be considered for just the monkey is arboreal deer ground main living area and has 2 species of animals live together regardless. It was however, 5/23/2000, as usual in monkeys had observed. Field notes on record were to stop, I was staring at the sight in front of me. In competing for gather beneath the trees to my surprise several deer are feeding monkeys, monkeys dropped leaves and flowers, began to eat. Engagement known by the weight of the monkeys in the branches, and was usually deer are eating the leaves away. Below is part of the field notes of the day. Action of terrestrial animals were eating food dropped arboreal animal found documents at a later date, was called "the gleaners", likening it to the famous millet paintings. Consider, however, that so far didn't seem. Decided to record the following field notes whenever I became interested in "the gleaners", see deer as well as behavior afterwards.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
"Glean" of deer

- from the recording of field notes

Tsuji Yamato

chance of observation

is Kinkazan in Miyagi Prefecture Oshika Peninsula off the coast, it is a small island of the area of about 10 square kilometers. The remaining virgin forests of beech and fir, including the Japanese monkey and deer, wild creatures are many habitat. I on the island, has been studied the foraging behavior of the monkey.
The island There are currently about two hundred monkeys, has been living making six of the herd. I've been observing for the study is the flock who are in the northwestern part of the island. In this region, in addition to the monkey, it is also living three hundred horses near the deer. However, the monkey is a Kijo, deer because the ground has been a place of major life, the two species of animal has been considered to be living independently of each other.
However, May 23, 2000, thing of when I was observing the monkeys as usual. Stop the hand that wore the record in the field notes, I had involuntarily watched the scene in front of the eye. Surprisingly, a few heads of deer, gathered beneath the tree where monkeys are feeding, is began to eat so as to compete for monkey dropped leaves and flowers. Nakaniwa, bite to the branches that bent under the weight of the monkey, it was also deer eating the leaves in place that does not reach normally. Below are some fields note of the day.
At a later date, was examined the literature, act of eating adopted a food animal on the tree has been dropped is the ground of the animals, it was found that likened to the paintings of Millet has been referred to as "gleaning". However, that the details are studied, it did not seem too much to this.
I, to then every time you see the same behavior of the deer were also to be recorded the following items in the field note that interested in "gleaning".
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
"Deer" GleanerFrom field notes - RecordsYamato TsujiObservation of the wakeBe off kinkasan Miyagi Prefecture oshika Peninsula, the area of about 10 square kilometres of small islands. Primeval beech and the rest of the fir, the Japanese sika deer and wild creatures that live there. On this island, I study on the foraging behavior of monkeys.On the island is now about two hundred and six groups of monkeys living. I look for the study of the northwest part of the island. In this area, monkeys, deer inhabit nearly three hundred. But the tree of life, and the main ground, these 2 kinds of animals have been living and thinking independently of each other.However, on May 23, 2000, as always when observing the monkey. To stop recording field notes, I unconsciously in front of my eyes, gazing into the scene. To my surprise, the number of deer head, wooden eat monkeys, monkeys dropped below the leaves and flowers to scramble for it and began to eat. Among them, in the branches of the deflection of the weight, the deer is eating leaves is usually does not arrive. The lower part of the day field notes.A few days later, the literature examined the behavior of animals for food on the ground lost arboreal animals and eat the millet masterpiece that is called "gleanings from." However, it is examined in detail, it didn"t seem too."Gleaning" interested me, every time he appears similar to the action of the recording in the field, note the following items.
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