お世話になっております。大八木です。 6月8日の打合せ内容と6月11日のZHONGLIさんとの打合せ内容について、議事録(白板)を添付致しま翻訳 - お世話になっております。大八木です。 6月8日の打合せ内容と6月11日のZHONGLIさんとの打合せ内容について、議事録(白板)を添付致しま英語言う方法

お世話になっております。大八木です。 6月8日の打合せ内容と6月11日







・Thai工場向けMedia φ0.6㎜ 20kg 入荷状況

(6月15日の機械立会いには、PoliPlus 30-40を使用しますか?)

・バリ取り機冶具 こちらがないと6月15日に出張する意味がありません。










ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
We become indebted. Ohyagi is. And content of meetings of 6/8 and ZHONGLI's 6/11About the content of meetings attached to the transcript (Leukoplakia).Please check it. Mr. to:GongFollowing confirmation, please 6/15 trip preparation.-Thai plant's Media diameter 0.6 mm 20 kg in stock status(Attendance machine 6/15, PoliPlus 30-40 do you want? )-Deburring machine / Jig here from but makes no sense to travel and not 6/15.(I'm already finished. Please bring. Please don't forget also bolt, etc.)And bring all the frames to PY factory owned by TO:Gong, Mr. 古sann, Mr. CaoAt the meeting with ZHONGLI appeared OUT side of the product loading and unloading methodWhat was decided?And then move the frame sensor contact after unloading, doing tasks such asWas held in the story of the loading and unloading procedures?Check, please. Thank you.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
It becomes indebted to. Is Oyagi. With ZHONGLI's meeting the contents of the June 8 and June 11 for the meeting content, we will attach the minutes (white plate). Please check. TO: GONG's the confirmation of the following, please business trip preparation of June 15. · Thai factory for Media Fai0.6㎜ 20kg stock situation (of June 15 to the machine attendance, either? use the PoliPlus 30-40) to travel to June 15 and Deburring machine jig here there is no meaning is not. (. Already, I have been completed, please Bring bolt, etc. Thank you also to not forget.) -PY all frames that are held to the factory, to bring TO: Gong's, old, Mr. Cao's ZHONGLI it comes at the time of Mr. and of meeting, how to retrieve OUT side of the product or would have decided? Frame is moved, after contact with the sensor, such as taken out work specific, the story of the take-out method, or would have unity? Please confirm. Thank you for your attention.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
And a pleasure to work with you. Oyagi. Too too June 8 meeting on June 11, ZHONGLI content - content too, meeting minutes (white) is attached. Please confirm. Well, too. TO GONG was confirmed in the following day, June 15, please prepare for a business trip. YouTube - Media attendance machine for plant and Thai millimeters. Phi 0.6 20 kg arrival situation on June 15, using PoliPlus 30-40)? Deburring machine tool and not here on June 15, which means a business trip. Too(you already completed. Please bring. All frames are stored in a factory PY RI, remember to bolt or the like, please take your Gong TO too too old, too, when meeting with Mr. Cao ZHONGLI, was on the side of too OUT product decision method of taking out? The frame is moved up, too, such as contact sensor to take out a specific work, extraction method, rambling talk? Please check your confirmation. Too tooThank you for. Too
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