お世話になります。AUG-23,2016本件に付きまして、石井社長と電話で打ち合わせ致しました。機械リストに依り計算すると1500KVAが必翻訳 - お世話になります。AUG-23,2016本件に付きまして、石井社長と電話で打ち合わせ致しました。機械リストに依り計算すると1500KVAが必英語言う方法





但し、PEZAへのRENOVATION PARMITについては機械の設置届を500KVAに見合うように提出しなければなりません。


ダルマ 大田
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
You will be staying. Aug-23, 2016Case being President Ishii and has been meeting on the phone.Stating that in other similar plant that made operates within a 500 KVA to 1500 KVA and calculating machine list English article, but were given an explanation.Therefore, this estimate is receiving power by 500 KVA and will estimate the connection construction from the switchboard English machine list article.However, it must be submitted to meet the 500 KVA notification of installation of machinery for the RENOVATION PARMIT to PEZA.Or how applying for that side of things due to the upcoming meeting and then 取ri敢ezu receiving equipment with 500 KVA quote we will.Thank you more.Dharma OTA
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

Thank you for your help. AUG-23,2016

If attached to this matter, we have meetings on the phone with Ishii president.

1500KVA is calculated depending on the machine list, but is required, in other similar factory indicating that can operate within 500KVA, we received an explanation.
We therefore, of this time estimate is powered by 500KVA, we estimate the connection construction from the switchboard depending on the machine list.

However, it must be submitted to meet the mechanical installation notification to 500KVA for RENOVATION PARMIT to the PEZA.
You can either apply for the processing of the side in any way as it depends on the future of the meeting, we will be estimated at the receiving facility at the time being 500KVA.

Or more, thank you.

Dharma Daejeon
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