(業務の実施) 第34条 乙は、第32条の定めに従い甲の責任で行われる移行・運用準備支援業務が円滑且つ効果的に行われるよう支援するのみであり翻訳 - (業務の実施) 第34条 乙は、第32条の定めに従い甲の責任で行われる移行・運用準備支援業務が円滑且つ効果的に行われるよう支援するのみであり英語言う方法

(業務の実施) 第34条 乙は、第32条の定めに従い甲の責任で行われる

第34条 乙は、第32条の定めに従い甲の責任で行われる移行・運用準備支援業務が円滑且つ効果的に行われるよう支援するのみであり、当該移行・運用準備業務の結果については責任を負わない。

第35条 乙は、移行・運用準備支援業務の終了後10日以内に業務終了の旨を甲に連絡する。

2. 甲は、前項の業務終了連絡の受領後10日(以下「確認期間」という。)以内に当該業務終了連絡の内容について確認を行うものとし、疑義のない場合には、その旨を乙へ連絡し、業務の終了を確認するものとする。

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
(Implementation) Not responsible for the results of the migration, operational readiness, and only assist No. 34, paragraph b, inaccordance with the provisions of article 32, takes the responsibility of migration, operational readiness support be done smoothly and effectively. (End of the business, review) No. 35, paragraph b, contact to closing shall within 10 days after the end of the transition and preparation services.2. The receipt of the preceding operations end contact 10 (hereinafter referred to as the "review period". ) Within shall no doubt, shall verify the business end contact details, contact b thereof, to see the end of the business.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
(Business implementation of)
Article 34 B is only the transition and operation preparation support activities carried out in the instep of responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 32 is to help smooth and so as to be effectively carried out, the transition and operation preparation business It does not assume responsibility for the result. (End-confirmation of the business) Article 35 B, contact the purport of the close of business on the instep within after the end of 10 days of the transition and operation preparation support services to. 2. Jia, set forth in the preceding paragraph of the close of business contact of the ten (10) days after receipt (hereinafter referred to as "confirmation period".) Shall be made ​​to confirm the contents of the close of business contact within, in the absence of doubt, contact the purport to Otsu and, it is assumed that to confirm that you want to exit the business.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
(of business)Article 34 of the second, according to the provisions of Article 32 of the only help and support business operation is performed in the preparation of the responsibility carried out smoothly and effectively, and the result of the operation preparation process, and is not liable.Business completion confirmation.Article 35, one end of the upper contact within 10 days after the operation is finished and ready for business.2. The upper end of the receipt of the preceding paragraph 10 "confirmation" (hereinafter referred to as "period. To confirm the completion of the contents within business contact, without a doubt, contact, to confirm the completion of business.
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