ようやくあなたは証拠の画像を出しましたね。その事に関しては一定の評価をいたします。以前にも私は言いました。私は随分長い期間資金を拘束されてい翻訳 - ようやくあなたは証拠の画像を出しましたね。その事に関しては一定の評価をいたします。以前にも私は言いました。私は随分長い期間資金を拘束されてい英語言う方法



補償して下さい!例え少額でも良いから。最低限Redemption Feeは返して下さい。

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Finally you issued a picture of the evidence.On the matter of constant evaluation.I said earlier. I had been restrained money long term.Do not compensate you? I lived a very impoverished, poor daily.To compensate! Because even small. At least the minimum Redemption Fee back.To be frank, you didn't do a decent job.Also did not pay any money until you tell me. This case is unusual.Is to know the average company. I talked to the police, sue you quit.Please apologize to me. 1 g of gold doesn't matter, anything please I apologize.This is the job for you.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I you've put the image of the evidence finally.
For that matter we do a certain evaluation. Even before I said. I had been bound by a fairly long period of time funds. Do not you compensation? I painful very life, had sent a poor day-to-day. Please compensation! Because even good even for a small. Please minimum Redemption Fee returns. To say clearly, you were not a decent job. You did not even try to Harao money until I say. The case is abnormal. It is that you can see if an ordinary company. I consulted the police, but was stopped sue you. Please apologize to me. It may be a 1g gold, please do something apologize to me. This is also your job.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Did you finally out of the image.I appreciated it.I said before. I was tied to a long term funds.Don"t you compensate? Life is hard, so I was poor.As compensation, please! From a small amount of, for example, may be used. Please return the minimum Redemption Fee.Frank, you did not work.Until you say I did not pay any money. This case is unusual.It is understood that if the common enterprise. I talk to the police, but not you.I would like to apologize. It may be of some gold, please apologize to me.Is this your work.
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