自由と市場主義の医療保険日本とアメリカでは医療保険の制度が違う。日本は国が運営・管理する皆保険。アメリカは基本的には保険会社が運営・管理して翻訳 - 自由と市場主義の医療保険日本とアメリカでは医療保険の制度が違う。日本は国が運営・管理する皆保険。アメリカは基本的には保険会社が運営・管理して英語言う方法






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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Free and market-oriented health care insurance
different system of medical insurance in Japan and the United States.
Japan are all operated and managed by national insurance.
America is basically insurance company operated and managed by the.
History of American medical insurance begins to deal with the great depression of 1929.
During the regime of the Democratic Party of all walks to the insurance.
Republican party rights era's insurance by individuals or insurance companies.
オバマケアー currently advancing President Obama's Democratic Party continued stalemate in Congress.

How to join medical insurance
through employers to buy medical insurance from the insurance company.
Losing health insurance or unemployment and layoffs.

High quality medical services and expensive care
became the best quality medical service in the world.
Contrary to expensive to care.
Health insurance becomes more complicated.
There is selective マネジドケアー.
マネジドケアー has its pros and cons.

New forces healthcare insurance
emerges the new forces by credit card companies and IT companies.
Medical insurance is becoming America's biggest business opportunities.

American Government involvement
Medicaid: poor
can receive Medicare: seniors 65 and older and persons with disabilities
there is institutional differences, depending on the State.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Medical insurance of market liberal and
medical insurance schemes for is different in the United States and Japan.
Japan all insurance that country operated and managed.
Insurance company is operated and managed is basically the United States.
History of health insurance in the United States to begin the New Deal by the Great Depression of 1929.
The progress towards universal coverage in the regime of the Democratic Party.
Insurance by insurance companies or individuals in the Republican regime.
Stalemate has continued in Congress Obamakea President Obama of Democratic Party to advance current. How to join the medical insurance I buy health insurance from the insurance company through the employer. Lose health insurance or unemployment, when it is laid off. High care and high-quality medical services became high-quality medical services of the best in the world. On the contrary, I became to expensive care. Medical insurance has become complicated. There is a managed care over the selection system. There are pros and cons over managed care. New forces of medical insurance by IT companies and credit card companies, the new forces have emerged. Medical insurance has become the biggest business opportunities in the United States. Involvement of the United States government 's poverty: Medicaid Medicare over: beneficiaries can people with disabilities and elderly people over the age of 65 by the state, there is a difference in the system.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Medical insurance of free markets and democracy in America and Japan is different from that of the medical insurance system. Insurance operation and management of all countries. The United States is the basic management in insurance companies. The history of American medical insurance policy in the new deal with the great depression. All the steps to the insurance of the Democratic Party in the government. Insurance by the Republican administration period by insurance companies or individuals. In Obama care to promote democratic presidential Obama now at a stalemate. TooThrough medical insurance method at the Employer from the insurance company to purchase health insurance. To lose health insurance, unemployment and lay-off. A large and high quality of medical care service in the world in the most high quality health care services. To the opposite, care is expensive. It is complicated that the medical insurance. Managed care is the choice. The managed care and cons. A new power of medical insurance and credit card business, the company at the IT new emerging forces. AtMedical insurance has become the largest business opportunities in America. The US government involvement of K at the poor medical care medicine: at: over 65 years old and handicapped persons can receive at the state of the system. At
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