あと、もしかしたらですが、日本語学校ではなぜなのかわかりませんが、男の子の学生にとても人気学生ある教師でした。その時に、学生とは変な関係にな翻訳 - あと、もしかしたらですが、日本語学校ではなぜなのかわかりませんが、男の子の学生にとても人気学生ある教師でした。その時に、学生とは変な関係にな英語言う方法


ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Later, though, isIn Japan-language schoolI don't know why?It was a very popular student teacher to students of the boys.Because at that time did not want strange relationship between students andTo give up I was talking to lie.There were students from being married, and still won't give up, soOr, from the other children and made a lie because.And all were turned down. Teachers and students love is forbidden.And because it is a reallyI am not single children. With confidence.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
After that, I just maybe,
the Japanese school
, but I do not know why the,
was a very popular student a teacher in the boy students.
At that time, because I did not want to become a strange relationship with a student,
I was talking about a lie in order to have given up.
And because they married, because there was a student that does not give up even in it,
or, I made the reason for the lie because children are anymore.
And, he had refused all. Teachers love of students is prohibited.
Once that was the reason, really
I do not have even the children in the single. rest assured.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Then, maybe, butJapanese Language SchoolI don't know why?The teacher is very popular with students in boy students.At the time, and the students want to be, because there was no relationI was telling a lie in order to get up.Because he is married, don't give up yet, so studentsA child or make false reasons from another.Then there were all declined. The teacher and the students love.If it is really the reasonI am a single child. Set your mind at ease.
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