蒸発缶の蒸発室の気水分離機能は図3に示される。蒸発室の下部で反転力と遠心力を利用できる構造を持つが、狭い空間に納めているために高水位による飛翻訳 - 蒸発缶の蒸発室の気水分離機能は図3に示される。蒸発室の下部で反転力と遠心力を利用できる構造を持つが、狭い空間に納めているために高水位による飛英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Evaporator evaporator room care water separation ability is shown in Figure 3. Structure can be inverted and centrifugal forces at the bottom of the Chamber has, hiding in the narrow space for high risk for entrainment by the high water level. To have separate evaporating Chamber and heated section enters the primary steam, heating of welded joint of cracking occurs, or is designed so you can avoid cross-contamination case of defects caused by corrosion in the heat of the body of. Also you can remove evaporator inside wall cylindrical, can check the surface condition whom GMP. However, this example is a design defect on high water level detection described above, as a countermeasure to prevent entrainment is not proper.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Steam-water separation function of the evaporation chamber of the evaporator is shown in Figure 3. While having a structure that can be utilized inversion force and the centrifugal force at the bottom of the evaporation chamber, a high risk of entrainment by the high level because it is housed in a narrow space. because it is provided separately from the evaporation chamber heating unit that primary steam enters, any chance, if a crack in the weld portion of the heating part is generated, or cross-contamination to the body of the heating unit, even if a defect due to corrosion came out and is designed to be able to avoid. The partition cylinder in the evaporator section also it is possible to remove, that you can check the surface condition is meet the GMP. However, this example as described above has a design defect in the high water level detection, not appropriate as a measure for preventing the occurrence of entrainment.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Gas and water separation function of the evaporation chamber of the evaporator is shown in Fig. 3. In the lower vaporizing chamber with the structure can be used to force and centrifugal force, to be in a narrow space, high risk of entrainment by high water level. If so, the primary steam is provided separately from the evaporator and the heating portion, when the crack generation in the heating section, the weld defects due to corrosion of the heater body or is designed so that it is possible to avoid cross contamination.Also can remove the cylindrical portion of the partition, the inspection can be realized GMP surface state. However, as described above, in this example, the design of fault detection in high water level, in order to prevent the occurrence of entrainment.
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