長津製作所 山野井様CC:SPPI 石井様お世話になります。先日受領いたしました御社改装計画に依り、現在見積書を作成しておりますが、電気容量翻訳 - 長津製作所 山野井様CC:SPPI 石井様お世話になります。先日受領いたしました御社改装計画に依り、現在見積書を作成しておりますが、電気容量英語言う方法

長津製作所 山野井様CC:SPPI 石井様お世話になります。先日受領い

長津製作所 山野井様



現状計画での機械リストで計算すると、機械のみで975.7KVA 空調システム 148KVA その他ホイストクレーン、コンプレッサー、熱交換器、事務機器等を含め、安全率を加味した場合、御社の契約電力は1,500KVAになります。



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Like the changjin Corporation yamanoiCC:SPPI Ishii asYou will be staying.賄e Office calculated the electrical capacity we currently create a quote I've received your renovation plans depend on your prior buried STARTS like the electrical, plumbing, we have found nothing.To calculate in the machine list in the current plan, and machine only in 975.7 KVA air conditioning systems 148 KVA or other hoist cranes, compressors, heat exchangers, Office equipment, including considering the factor of safety, the contractual power of your 1500 KVA.Putting the trans in a company exceeds 1000 KVA transformer lease in MERALCO becomes non-beneficiary, since.Fit MERALCO in its transport case compensation will be required and the price per kW/h of electricity will also become cheaper, so an additional benefit.Placing rooms (air conditioning machinery planning) at 34, 500 v high-voltage power 1500 KVA transformer is 付kimashite, including 1,500 KVA transformer, a is estimated.(For high-voltage power wiring and duct Bank for cost-beneficial)More reporting, thank you please.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

Length Tsuseisakusho Yamanoi like
CC: SPPI Ishii like

Thank you for your help.

Depending on your renovation plan we received the other day, but we have to create the current quotation, processing the electrical capacity was calculated, it does not be covered in the electrical piping STARTS recommendation has pre-buried we found.

When calculated in the machine list of currently planning, machine only in 975.7KVA air conditioning system 148KVA other hoist crane, compressor, heat exchanger, including office equipment, etc., in the case of consideration of the safety factor, your company's contract power becomes 1,500KVA you.

If you exceed the 1000KVA transformer lease in MERALCO becomes impossible, it will be beneficiary burden, you will be installing the transformer in your company.
If you have installed a transformer in-house compensation to fit in MERALCO You no longer required, it will be relatively cheap electricity fee per Kw / h, there is also a benefit.

If attached to the installation using a high-pressure receiving of 34,500v the transformer of 1500KVA in the room (air conditioning machine room of the plan), we estimate also includes a transformer of 1500KVA.
(Duct bank towards the high pressure receiving, both cost-effective for wiring)

to report more, thank you.
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